Wednesday, May 20, 2009
V. New Assignment: Company F:Detached Operating
First Calvary Division
This is a very confusing assignment for 8013 and the oficersf ncluding the
Officers. Until the Commanding Officer explains why an air
borne trooper is being assigned to a non-airborne unit. The Army is going through tremendous changes, This is a very famous division whose history is almost as old as the country itself. It was in the Pacific with General MacArthur. It is now in Japan.
Note: We will discuss some of the world affairs that prompts the changes taking place at a later date.
Ok, to take the mystery away. 8013 is assigned to F Company which is designated to be a Detached Operating Company. If and when Rangers are reactivated members of this unit will designated as Rangers. The Company will have its own Commanding Officer and unit officers. It is assigned to the division for support. The Company component staffing will be airborne. Operationally the Company may function quite far away from the Division ,beyond the scope and command of the division. F Company will be manned by specialist in their MOS assignments.
Intense training is in store for newly assigned troopers.
For one who has never served in the military it difficult to imagine what it quite like. Like having one's choices intensely reduced or removed. Such as going to Japan without an opportunity to say "I wanted to go to Europe" and be heard. No answer at this time to "When am I going?" or by boat or fly ? or "Where in Japan?" and so on. Even when orders are cut much renains unknown. Oh! word has just leaked out that 8013 enlisted for 3 years some weeks ago. Only a few knew it.
Friday, May 15, 2009
IX. Intelligence School Training
8013 is training to exit from a CH-47 Chinook chopper. This is one of those post WWII innovative skills that must be mastered by 8013. The days of mass jumping may be rare now and in the future. The old days of large platoons operating is changing in special operation units where we find 6 and 12 man teams being developed. In and out is the new concept as choppers become operational vehicles. This tactic reduces exposure to enemy fire and saves lives. One must be highly skilled once he hits the ground. where team work is essential.
Of course, the traditional platoon structure will remain the main stay in the infantry. Special operations will in many cases coordinate missions with traditional units.
Many different types of weapons are being tested. It is predicted that the M1 will be replaced by a lighter and more efficient weapon. Something called the M16 is being tested.
The caliber is much smaller and it fires many more rounds. The old mortar will continue to be a mainstay as well as many other weapons. The new weapons must fit the in and out tactic. Protective gear is being explored to offer more protection to individuals.
It is anticipated that in the near future Special Operation units will be engaging in fire fights with small units of insurgents or Guerilla units.
In fact our Special Forces units will be Guerilla types of units. In some planning groups there is discussion of our Special Forces units operating in civilian clothing rather then in uniform. Now, that is a revolutionary concept. Although the Office of Strategic Services did this in WWII. Army Counter Intelligence units also operate out of uniform.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
VII. The Army Military Intelligence (MI) Program
The Army's Military Intelligence (MI) is responsible for all intelligence gathered or learned during Army missions. MI Soldiers are always out front, providing essential intelligence and in many cases saving Soldiers' lives who are fighting on the front lines.
During your AIT you will learn the skills associated with gathering intelligence from different sources. Depending on your Army job, you will learn to collect intelligence from human subjects through interview or gather intelligence from digital sources like photographs taken from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
You will also learn how to prepare your intelligence findings and how to report them to your superiors and how the findings fit within larger missions
8013 will have a military speciality that will benefit him greatly. Only a handful of people are selected right out of basic. It may have to with manning the new detached companies and a total reorganization. Also, it is very unusual for the soldier does not have a commitment to the Army. He must be talking about a three year enlistment.
8013 probably has no idea of all of this. No doubt he will be assigned to a Special Operations unit. In the post WWII years there was a lot of discussion about expanding Special Ops. He is very young and has a history of being irresponsible. However, the fact that he complleted basic jump training with shining colors speaks well for him. There are rumors that he was selected for two reasons. They need trained personnel. 2. He scored high on the Military Intelligence Test when he entered the Army,
The Army's Military Intelligence (MI) is responsible for all intelligence gathered or learned during Army missions. MI Soldiers are always out front, providing essential intelligence and in many cases saving Soldiers' lives who are fighting on the front lines.
During your AIT you will learn the skills associated with gathering intelligence from different sources. Depending on your Army job, you will learn to collect intelligence from human subjects through interview or gather intelligence from digital sources like photographs taken from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
You will also learn how to prepare your intelligence findings and how to report them to your superiors and how the findings fit within larger missions
8013 will have a military speciality that will benefit him greatly. Only a handful of people are selected right out of basic. It may have to with manning the new detached companies and a total reorganization. Also, it is very unusual for the soldier does not have a commitment to the Army. He must be talking about a three year enlistment.
8013 probably has no idea of all of this. No doubt he will be assigned to a Special Operations unit. In the post WWII years there was a lot of discussion about expanding Special Ops. He is very young and has a history of being irresponsible. However, the fact that he complleted basic jump training with shining colors speaks well for him. There are rumors that he was selected for two reasons. They need trained personnel. 2. He scored high on the Military Intelligence Test when he entered the Army,
VI. Next Stop: US Army Intelligence School, Fort Holabird, Md.
During his stay here 8013 will be treated as an individual rather then as a group member. The studies will be difficult but interesting. There will be many components such as Infantry field intelligence operations to learn how to gather information on the known enemy. He will learn how to gather information from the world news and other sources. He will well versed in covert actions by other countries as well as our own. He will have an excellent introduction to what is generally termed spook intelligence.
All of this is at the basic level at this time. He will learn about counter intelligence operations conducted by the military as well as the CIA. In the future he may well be assigned to work closely with the CIA and or foreign military operations. Generally. his assignments will be as a Ranger as it looks like they will reactivated. He will be part of the unit's intelligence team. The team advises the commander as he makes battle plans. What to expect as to the weapons, tactics, capability and assets of the enemy forces. This is termed recon for reconnaissance. The battle training is very active and difficult. Reconnaissance or as the jargon "Recon" is a skill that 8013 will master as soon as possible. This is where the enemy is observed in every way possible so as to penatrate and report key information to the commander. The key here is to observe while not being observed.
Quite a skill to develop.
This ten weeks is a mere introduction so the the students have the basics to proceed to the master level. His teachers all have vast experience and are highly skilled. Not all of the training will be in the classroom. Much of it will in the field. If not immediately it is predictable that he will be assigned overseas rather soon. If you were to ask him why overseas he will give you state of affairs in the world. These ten weeks will go fast.
For a moment glance back over his history. He is a trained infantryman, a trained paratrooper and now has the basics of an intelligence observer. This is the guy who joined up because he hated school. Life goes off in funny directions some times. At a very young age he had illusions of living in the mountains forever. He is not what psychologists call a "loner", however, he did enjoy being alone. Not just to be alone but in certain circumstances. He did not have to have people around him for comfort. Perhaps his father was somewhat the same.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
IV. Must Win Those Wings!
Like reaching for a star in the sky. Fear is a part of the game. In the whole history of Fort Benning there have been few injuries or deaths. Ok, that is good to know.
Does it help?
No. not much. 8013 had an intense fear of flying and falling. He was never in a plane before. This procedure is where you are hooked up and the chute opens for you. No rip cord. You packed a chute so you know how it opens.
They tell you if you think you are not going to jump do not get on the plane. Everyone hooks up and moves along to the door. Any hestitation near the door you are gone. Oh! once you hook up there in no way you can unhook.
8013 thought about running away. But you see so many people in uniform wearing wings. Some with wreaths and stars. That means many jumps. No one would predict that this scared kid would make many,many jumps in the future. Even night jumps. And you know what he became not only a master jumper but a master skydiver. Now! who on this day would ever believe that?
8013 could not hide his fear until a Sgt. checked him over and said "you are a go and you will make it, see you are the ground." That did it. The fear lightened up.
He made it with all of the rest of his class. This funny "dumb" kid with the blond hair and blue eyes. Nearly all of his teachers viewed him as a strange kid who will never make it.
The wings to a long drop. Hang on, you are in for one of the most amazing runs among amazing careers.
Where ever you go, there you are.
III. Basic after Basic, The Big Sky
Those are Camo Roberts barracks in the above photo. Two stories with bunk beds. The latrine had open showers and a line of toilets without partitions. Living conditions have improved over the years. Army basic training is not easy. Just the simple task of adjusting is very difficult. Not only the requirements of the military but living with a bunch of strangers. Note the barracks above.They come from everywhere and all walks of life. Many do not want to be here. All kinds of personal habits that are strange to others. Some men are extremely peaceful and helpful. Others ready to fight and not very helpful. Lots to learn. Mental and physical. Forced to cooperate. A few wash out and go home. A few friends are made. A few friendships will last for years or in a few cases a lifetime. Specialops8013 had to be careful as he was afraid of exposure to his actual age. There are situations where you let your guard down. A strain to maintain it all of the time. A beer or two can have its effect too.
Actually time went fast and transfer time was coming. Specialops8013 applied for paratrooper's school. He was passing basic with flying colors. Mostly blue for the Infantry. The Sgt. that supported Specialops8013 was shipping overseas. He wanted 8013 to keep in touch and gave him his home address. He also confided in 8013 that he suspected that he was under age. He told him not to worry he just might make it.
8013 is going to the Infantry's Paratrooper School, Fort Benning, Geogia. At the time that meant nothing to 8013. However, recruits are selected to go there.. Another long trip on a train. Again from one coast to the other. At this time 8013 did not know how much California will be a part of his future. Only two others were selected to go to Fort Benning. The three would travel together.
Columbus, Geogia, the nearest city to Fort Benning.. Greetings and aqcceptance were very different then Camp Roberts. Now you are a soldier and expected to act like one. Right Now. To understand and obey orders without hestatation. Like right now! Took a little adjustment. For any sign of failure or poorly exercised the soldier might be ordered, "Give me 15 or 20 or 25". This meant to get down where ever you were and do proper pushups in the ordered amount. Well, if you were smart you practiced pushups at every opportunity.
Actually time went fast and transfer time was coming. Specialops8013 applied for paratrooper's school. He was passing basic with flying colors. Mostly blue for the Infantry. The Sgt. that supported Specialops8013 was shipping overseas. He wanted 8013 to keep in touch and gave him his home address. He also confided in 8013 that he suspected that he was under age. He told him not to worry he just might make it.
8013 is going to the Infantry's Paratrooper School, Fort Benning, Geogia. At the time that meant nothing to 8013. However, recruits are selected to go there.. Another long trip on a train. Again from one coast to the other. At this time 8013 did not know how much California will be a part of his future. Only two others were selected to go to Fort Benning. The three would travel together.
Columbus, Geogia, the nearest city to Fort Benning.. Greetings and aqcceptance were very different then Camp Roberts. Now you are a soldier and expected to act like one. Right Now. To understand and obey orders without hestatation. Like right now! Took a little adjustment. For any sign of failure or poorly exercised the soldier might be ordered, "Give me 15 or 20 or 25". This meant to get down where ever you were and do proper pushups in the ordered amount. Well, if you were smart you practiced pushups at every opportunity.
II. Runaway accomplished. Now What?
Seattle is a big city for a country boy. After living in a hotel for a few days Specialops8013 rented a room in an individual house. He is a seaman who goes to Alaska once or twice a month working on a boat. Specialops 8013 and he strike up a friendship. He called a friend who worked in a hardware store and managed to get Specialops8013 a job. He not only knew that he needed money, but did not want him roaming the streets. This worked out very well for 8013. The job was fulltime stocking, pricing and cleanup. The man's name who helped was Jeb. Jeb's girlfriend came over to do some cooking and cleaning while Jeb was gone. This made everything very pleasant for 8013. He did not know how lucky he was.
As time went on Jeb encourged 8013 to join the military. He was ex-navy. He was afraid that young people like 8013 would meet the wrong people and get into trouble. His brother was paratrooper and loved it. 8013 was not so sure he wanted to jump out of planes. Jen encouaged 8013 to go to the draft board and say it is his birthday and where does he sign up. 8013's birthsay was coming up soon. They made plans that if the board wanted to call him to use his number. He would answer as though he was 8013's dad. Jeb advised that when 8013 goes to the board office to act kind of scared.
The birthday came and 8013 went to the board and declared that it was his birthday today, Hr completed tons of paper work. He did clall Jeb and he explained that he was seperated from 8013's mother. He promised to get a birth certificate and take it in. Well, it was an anxious 8-9 days before a letter came for 8013. He was to report for a physical. Then after another 8-9 days he received orders to report to nearby Fort Lewis. Wow! no turning back now. There a bus schudule for Fort Lewis. Goodbys to Jeb and Angel, his girl friend.
Fort Lewis is very large but everyone was escorted as they got off the bus. A very hectic 5 days and off to Camp Roberts in Calfornia. Oh! in uniform. Camp Roberts is a very large basic training camp in Central California near the coast. The parade ground was a square mile black topped. All of the marches were across the parade field. Lots of marches, drill, KP. bayonet training, weapons firing, exercise drill every morning at 6 AM. The weeks went by. 8013 went to Los Angeles with a friend who lived there. Now that is a big city.
8013 was 18 years old in the eyes of the Army so he was careful to act mature. He went of and practiced drills and stuff. Even went down to the obstacle course at night instead of drinking beer with other basics. It was dark and dangerious. However, it did help. One drill sergerant, who was a paratrooper toughened 8013 up. 8013 respected him and decided to be a paratrooper. The Sgt. said he would never make it.
Seattle is a big city for a country boy. After living in a hotel for a few days Specialops8013 rented a room in an individual house. He is a seaman who goes to Alaska once or twice a month working on a boat. Specialops 8013 and he strike up a friendship. He called a friend who worked in a hardware store and managed to get Specialops8013 a job. He not only knew that he needed money, but did not want him roaming the streets. This worked out very well for 8013. The job was fulltime stocking, pricing and cleanup. The man's name who helped was Jeb. Jeb's girlfriend came over to do some cooking and cleaning while Jeb was gone. This made everything very pleasant for 8013. He did not know how lucky he was.
As time went on Jeb encourged 8013 to join the military. He was ex-navy. He was afraid that young people like 8013 would meet the wrong people and get into trouble. His brother was paratrooper and loved it. 8013 was not so sure he wanted to jump out of planes. Jen encouaged 8013 to go to the draft board and say it is his birthday and where does he sign up. 8013's birthsay was coming up soon. They made plans that if the board wanted to call him to use his number. He would answer as though he was 8013's dad. Jeb advised that when 8013 goes to the board office to act kind of scared.
The birthday came and 8013 went to the board and declared that it was his birthday today, Hr completed tons of paper work. He did clall Jeb and he explained that he was seperated from 8013's mother. He promised to get a birth certificate and take it in. Well, it was an anxious 8-9 days before a letter came for 8013. He was to report for a physical. Then after another 8-9 days he received orders to report to nearby Fort Lewis. Wow! no turning back now. There a bus schudule for Fort Lewis. Goodbys to Jeb and Angel, his girl friend.
Fort Lewis is very large but everyone was escorted as they got off the bus. A very hectic 5 days and off to Camp Roberts in Calfornia. Oh! in uniform. Camp Roberts is a very large basic training camp in Central California near the coast. The parade ground was a square mile black topped. All of the marches were across the parade field. Lots of marches, drill, KP. bayonet training, weapons firing, exercise drill every morning at 6 AM. The weeks went by. 8013 went to Los Angeles with a friend who lived there. Now that is a big city.
8013 was 18 years old in the eyes of the Army so he was careful to act mature. He went of and practiced drills and stuff. Even went down to the obstacle course at night instead of drinking beer with other basics. It was dark and dangerious. However, it did help. One drill sergerant, who was a paratrooper toughened 8013 up. 8013 respected him and decided to be a paratrooper. The Sgt. said he would never make it.
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